Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable. George Bernard Shaw

It is through art that we find beauty, inspiration, and meaning in the midst of life's crudeness. Art provides us with a lens to interpret and understand the world, allowing us to escape the monotony of everyday existence. Whether it is in the form of paintings, sculptures, literature, or music, art has the ability to transport us to a realm where we can explore our emotions and connect with our deepest selves. It brings color to a colorless world and offers a respite from the harshness that surrounds us. Without art, life would be devoid of the creative expression that makes it truly meaningful and enriching.                     Büşra Aydın

Crinkly series

A good painting to me has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comforts and inspires.

Hedy Lamarr

Like a loyal friend, a good painting has always had a special place in our hearts. It fills the void with its presence, providing solace and companionship. Like a true friend, a good painting has the ability to touch our emotions and give us a sense of comfort and belonging. Büşra Aydın

Color is a power which directly influences the soul.

Wassily Kandinsky,

Color is not just a visual sensation; it has the power to deeply impact our emotions and thoughts. It possesses the ability to influence our soul directly, reaching the deepest corners of our being. Colors have the remarkable capacity to evoke certain feelings and moods within us, whether it be joy, tranquility, or even sadness. They hold the key to expressing our individuality and creativity, allowing us to communicate without words. The vibrancy of red can ignite passion and energy, while the calmness of blue can induce a sense of serenity. The world around us is a canvas painted with an array of colors, each with its own unique aura and essence. It is through this diverse palette that color becomes a language of the soul, speaking directly to our innermost selves.

Büşra Aydın